Monday, July 14, 2014

Two Major Milestones Today!

Today is a very big day for me in it's own sort of way.

Six years ago today, I started my YouTube channel. What started out with a simple, shaky video of my neighborhood garbage trucks has now lead me down a six year long journey to places I never would have imagined! Along the way I've met some great people, made some close friends, and have had the opportunity to progress from those first shaky, low-quality videos to the professional quality videos that I work hard to put together today. I've had a lot of support along the way, for which I can't even begin to convey just how thankful I truly am.

Another milestone was reached for me today, as well. Here on this sixth anniversary of my humble beginnings in this online waste industry community, I have also published my 300th video on YouTube! Over the course of those 300 videos, I've progressed from filming the garbage collection on my own street, to filming trucks in other parts of my city. From there, I began traveling to other nearby cities within an hour or so of my hometown to film and photograph their methods of waste collection. Ultimately, I've ended up traveling through three states, from the northern areas of Washington, down through the endless sea of pine trees of Oregon, and to within a couple miles of the Mexican border in California, all in pursuit of filming and photographing the wide array of unique garbage trucks that this world has to offer. And I've only really just scratched the surface. I look forward to spending many more years being an active member of this community and producing hundreds more videos to share with others who share with me this unique interest.

So to celebrate these two milestones, let's take a look back at the very first garbage truck video I ever filmed (mind you, it was actually the fourth video I uploaded to YouTube, but it's my very first, oldest footage) and then of course take a look at my 300th video, uploaded today! Enjoy!

My Very First Garbage Truck Video, Filmed In Early/Mid 2008

Upload #300! My Most Recent Video, Filmed in May of 2014

Thanks again for all of the support everyone! I look forward to seeing what the next six years and next 300 videos have to bring!


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